Well, we’ve added a couple more W’s under our win column. Woohoo! Even though the last match we gained only 2 points towards the ranking, it better that we won. Just to clarify a bit how the points are given…if a team wins 3-0 or 3-1 that teams gets 3 points while the losing team doesn’t get any points. If however there is a tie break set, the winning team gets 2 points and the losing team is given 1 point.
Hanka Pachale one of our two outside hitters injured her calf during our match against Forli. Hopefully she will have a speedy recovery, as we have few substitution. Each persons role on the team is especially crucial. Hanka is a main passer for us. We’ve got Jesi on Sunday. In the meantime I get a few extra reps with passing. I’ve loving that. I wish I could do it more often to be better prepared for situations like this. But oh well, I will find a way to get it done, all things are possible.
Keep us in your prayers,
Blessing to ya,
PS To the 10 year old, Kidan, you forgot to leave your email address. I would love to meet you and your family
Danielle you are olso a very good opposite! In Chieri we hope in a you’re good perforamance.
Go Dani!!
See you tomorrow