Well, it was a rough day at the office. We lost to Brazil today in three. There were moments throughout the match when I though we had a chance, however we couldn’t play consistently. Our block and defense was off.

The positive about the finals being a round robin tournament is that we don’t have to wait until next week. We will play Japan tomorrow. We played them the first leg and won in five. I am expecting another difficult match.



6 thoughts on “”

  1. Jesus Miranda

    Usa beat 3-2 to China. Congratulations Usa Girls. Danielle and teammates, to work really hard to get a medal in Beijing. Let’s go USA. Jesus miranda in NJ.

  2. danielle, don’t stop writing down here =). i love to read and to keep tuned about USA national team, and the competitions and staff.
    bless you. xoxox

  3. i’m happy that u are in a very good state this year! hope u keep up to it, win a medal in Beijing!

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