Wow, what a thrill! Praise God! What an accomplishment for our team and I am so grateful to have been a part of it. Gotta tell you I still had the sad emotions that comes with losing any match especially an Olympic match. The reward was so great in having made it to the Olympic Gold match. We really fought and played as a team to put ourselves in the position to win the silver medal.

We celebrated with the Men’s Volleyball team, who won the Gold, at the USA house. I was the only women’s volleyball player to go to the Closing Ceremony. And let me tell you what an ordeal I went through to get there. But as determined as I am in my volleyball career I was determined to go. So I get in a taxi to make it back to the village for 6:45 pm. What is usually a 20 minute ride turned in hour nightmare. At 35 minutes into the ride stuck in traffic, not moving at all…I decided to get out of that taxi and hop into another taxi that was able back out. Somehow I left my phone and Flip video in the first taxi. Can you believe it? It seemed impossible to me as they were both in my hand but somehow I drop it in the taxi. Beside that, once the other taxi arrived nearer to the village all the entrances were block. I couldn’t contain my emotions. I began to boohoo. The kind where you hear yourself crying, yes. Finally made it to the village, changed into my ceremony clothes, and got on the bus to go to Closing Ceremony. As a last effort, I called Jenny to see if there was something I could do to recovery my items. In an attempt to make a long story shorter, I got off of the bus to get my receipt to the first taxi to give that info to Jenny. Then I took yet another taxi to the Bird’s Nest, and miraculously made it there just before USA walked through the tunnel. I couldn’t find my parents but they saw me. The Closing Ceremony was spectacular. But it is not over… so I took a taxi to the village following the Closing Ceremony that didn’t know where he was going! Finally I got out of the taxi and walked about a mile to the village. A frustrating evening but at least I have a story to tell:-)

Now I am in Baton Rouge for a few days, then I will be heading to Brazil to be with my hubby. From there I will be heading to Italy where I will play for team Castellano.

Thanks everyone who supported me and team USA. Thanks for your well wishes and prayers.

For all of you who are wondering. I am not retiring just yet. Stay tuned.

Blessing to all,

2008 Olympic Silver Medal

8 thoughts on “”

  1. Dear Scott,

    I am really proud of you and the team!!! I am from Hong Kong, unluckily, the tv boardcast didn’t show the awarding ceremony that night and those pictures from FIVB were not in good quality. Happy enough for the silver medal? i thought you were abit disappointed at the end of the match.

    I think you really like the sport and i see you present for all matches these years, that is not easy and I really respect you from my heart. Good to hear you are not going to retire. All the best!!


  2. Hi there Danielle, Congratulations to you and your team mates on a job well done. I’m am very proud to know you and Robyn and Oogana.
    Robyn was in today and let me hold her medal. What a special thing that I will always remember.

    Love you mucho,

    The car rental lady in CS/CO

  3. Loved watching all USA VB matches! My daughter is a JR this year and has played middle blocker since 4th grade. We had the best time cheering you all on in Bejing. Whenever they announced your name she thought it sounded so cool the way the announcer pronouced it! Once again the USA rocks and VB is strong (as it should be!!)

  4. Jesus Miranda

    Congratulations USA national team, We will miss you Danielle. Danielle Scott Arruda Siver medal at the 2008 Olympics games. Scott you have a medal for the American History. Jesus Miranda From NJ,USA.

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